A lot of users who start using their 1st web hosting account, or switch companies, normally have enquiries concerning how particular operations are accomplished or chance upon difficulties when setting up different things such as e-mails, site settings, and so on. This is why, a lot of web hosting providers have compiled documentation with the most standard questions and problems so as to help their clients obtain info quickly and easily. As a result, the client support team can concentrate on real issues that some customers may be encountering, as the solution for the smaller things will be available on the World Wide Web and clients can easily solve them without getting in touch with the client service team. Having thorough documentation is rather important, especially for new clients without any previous experience, because the hosting service involves a large amount of functions and many individuals can become baffled about what to do. A good knowledge base can both help you perform the things that you want and learn how the hosting service works as a whole.

Extensive Online Documentation in Cloud Web Hosting

All cloud web hosting that we’re offering come with a detailed knowledge base where you can find everything you should know in regard to your hosting account. Irrespective of whether you aim to create a new database, to redirect a domain by means of an .htaccess config file or to create an e-mail account on your desktop computer or smartphone, you can just check our step-by-step help articles and all the information that you require will be there. When you open a certain section of the Hepsia Control Panel, you will see articles that pertain to the functions that can be accessed through it. If you wish to see the complete article archive and get familiar with all the functions that Hepsia offers, or only to read generic info about the web hosting service, you can browse through the entire knowledge base, which can be accessed through the Help menu in your Control Panel. We’ve done our utmost best to encompass any obstacle that you could possibly stumble upon, but in case you do not find the information that you’re seeking, you can always touch base with us, as our help desk staff members are at your service 24-7-365.